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This book of prose is for those battling their own boundaries. I was inspired to write these prose, or poetry, or writing prompts because as I ended my 20's and started my 30's I noticed a shift in my relationships with Friends, Family, and Co-workers. I wanted to explore my boundaries, and help/encourage others to do the same.


This book of prose is yours. It's really a book of letters.

Some of this I don't precisely remember what or who I was writing about.

Some of this I've just been terrified to share.

Some of this probably won't make sense to you.

Some of this is me talking to myself.

Some of this is me talking to you.

Some of this is healing and kind.

Some of this is toxic and ugly.

Some of this is for me and it is personal.

Some of this is for you and it is advice.

Some of this is inclusive, but most of this is exclusive.

Take your time.


Book, 133 Pages




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